How to set up an Okta Single Sign-On integration for Mux

Supported Features


Configuration Steps

Step 1 - Add the Mux App to Okta

  1. Login to your organization’s Okta tenant

  2. Under Applications in the sidebar, click Applications > Browse App Catalog, search for Mux, and then click Add Integration.

  3. Enter an Application Label in General Settings. This is the name under which the Mux app will appear in your Okta dashboard.

  4. Click Done.

  5. On your Mux application page, navigate to the Sign On tab.

  6. Under Settings, copy the values of Client ID and Client Secret (click the eye button to toggle the visibility)

    <aside> 💡 Note: These values allow Mux to communicate with Okta. The Client ID is a public identifier for the client that is required for all OAuth/OIDC flows. The Client Secret is a private identifier which you should not share or broadly distribute.


  7. Under Settings, there should be a section that has a link titled OpenID Provider Metadata. Click this link. In the JSON document shown, look for a key titled Issuer and copy the URL value.


  1. Before leaving Okta, ensure you have given yourself and any other target users access to the Mux application. You can do this by going to Applications > Mux > Assignments > Assign and then assigning to either the target people or group.

Step 2 - Configure SSO with Mux